高橋裕名誉教授、秋の叙勲で瑞宝中綬章を受勲 Professor Emeritus, Dr. Yutaka Takahasi awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure
平成19年度秋の叙勲で、高橋裕名誉教授が瑞宝中綬章をお受けにな りました。高橋先生は、歴史的資料を用いて河川工事による洪水流 量増加の影響を始めて明らかにし、人間社会と水資源、水環境とが 共生する河川観をわが国に定着させるとともに、特にアジア太平洋 域における水分野の国際貢献において多大の業績を挙げておられま す。
Prof. Takahasi received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon at the autumn conferment of 2007. He found out that the Japanese practices of river improvement sometimes increased the flood peaks in 1960s and has established a philosophical context on how the mankind should coexist with the fresh water resources and environment. He has been playing a constructive role and left his mark in enhancement of international cooperation especially in the Asia-Pacific region.