ポンゼショセ学長フィリップ・クルティエ教授が社会基盤学専攻をご訪問 Director of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC) visits the Department
平成21年7月3日(金)にフランスのグランゼコールの中でも最上級に位置する名門校(ルイ15世の勅令によって、国家建設に不可欠な土木・建築領域におけるテクノクラート養成を目的として創立、現在においても最難関校の一つ)、ポンゼショセ(Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees: ENPC)の学長 フィリップ・クルティエ教授が、工学系研究科との包括的学術協定ならびに社会基盤学専攻とENPC との学生相互留学協定への調印のため来日し、研究科長と社会基盤学専攻を訪問した。
社基歓迎式 |
クルティエ学長と学生との懇談 |
クルティエ学長と保立研究科長 |
調印式 |
社会基盤学専攻 専攻長 小澤一雅
Director of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC) visits the Department
On July 3, 2009, Professor Philippe Courtier, the Director of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC) visited the Department of Civil Engineering to sign the exchange program agreement between the School of Engineering and ENPC. Established more than two hundred years ago under the superior command of Louis XV for the purpose of training the elite French civil engineers, ENPC is one of the most highly renowned institutes among the Grandsecol. Through the exchange program between ENPC and Civil, students and faculty members will be exposed to advanced research and educational opportunities offered by two of the world leading institutions.
In the early afternoon, the welcome ceremony was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering. Professor Takesh Ishihara extended warm welcome to Professor Courtier and Professor Louis Sato by his greeting speech. After Assistant Professor Kohei Nagai and Dr. Naofumi Suzuki introduced the current research and educational activities of the Department, including its International Graduate Program, they took a short tour to the laboratory rooms of Concrete Eng., Coastal Eng., Geotechnical Eng., and Landscape and Civic Design. They also visited: the Foreign Student Office (FSO), the secretariat for all admission and scholarship matters in the Department of Civil Engineering; the Japanese Language Class, which offers basic language classes to international students of the Department and their family; and the 2nd Floor Lounge, where they enjoyed the displays of a full of folk handicrafts that have been brought by past and current international students from all over the world. Ms. Toshiko Nakamura and Ms. Nami Hayashi of FSO escorted this circuit and explained everyday life of our international students. After the tour, several Japanese students, who are interested in studying at ENPC with this exchange program, had an energetic discussion with Professor Courtier and Professor Sato and deepened their understandings of the program.
Welcome Reception at Civil Engineering |
Discussion with Professor Courtier and students |
After the welcome reception, the Director moved to the School of Engineering for the signing ceremony, which was hosted by the Dean, Professor Kazuo Hotate. At the ceremony, Professor Hotate expressed his pleasure in concluding the agreement with such a prestigious institution as ENPC. Professor Courtier returned the courtesy, saying that this program would be extremely meaningful to students of both institutions because it would open up the opportunities for them to benefit from globalized and diverse academic curriculums. Also, Professor Koichi Maekawa explained how the idea of this exchange program had developed, while Professor Takeshi Ishihara reported how the welcome reception in the Department Civil Engineering had gone. Then, Professor Hideyuki Horii talked about the future prospects of the interchange program with ENPC. Finally, the Director and the Dean signed the agreement and made the ‘first exchange’ with memorable gifts from each other.
Professor Courtier and Professor Hotate |
Signing Ceremony |
Professor Courtier showed his gratitude and pleasure with his short but fruitful visit to the University of Tokyo. We, ENPC and the Department of Civil Engineering, both foresee the forthcoming success of this exchange program and believe it will develop further. Last but not least, we would like to express sincere appreciation to all faculty and staff members of both institutes who helped the agreement to realize, especially Professor Louis Sato and Associate Professor Hironori Kato .
Kazumasa Ozawa
Professor and Chairman
Department of Civil Engineering