石田哲也教授と高橋佑弥准教授が第7回「インフラメンテナンス大賞」優秀賞を受賞 / Professor Tetsuya Ishida and Associate Professor Yuya Takahashi have received the Excellence Award of the 7th “Infrastructure Maintenance Award”.
石田哲也教授と高橋佑弥准教授が第7回「インフラメンテナンス大賞」優秀賞を受賞しました。 受賞技術の案件名は「マルチスケール統合解析による道路橋RC床版の疲労進展予測と維持管理への応用展開」です。横浜国立大学前川宏一客員教授、株式会社コムスエンジニアリング土屋智史博士との共同受賞です。
Professor Tetsuya Ishida and Associate Professor Yuya Takahashi have received the Excellence Award of the 7th “Infrastructure Maintenance Award”.
The project name of the awarded technology is “Prediction of Fatigue Progress of RC Slabs of Highway Bridges by Multiscale Integrated Analysis and Application to Maintenance Management”. The award was given jointly with Visiting Professor Koichi Maekawa of Yokohama National University and Dr. Satoshi Tsuchiya of COMS Engineering Co.The award was given jointly with Visiting Professor Koichi Maekawa of Yokohama National University and Dr. Satoshi Tsuchiya of COMS Engineering Co.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations and look forward to seeing more of his influential work in the future.