石原孟教授テクニカルアドバイザーの「福島県沖合における世界初の浮体式洋上ウィンドファーム」発電開始 The Fukushima floating offshore wind farm demonstration project led by Prof. Ishihara as technical advisor has started generating electricity on 11th of November
The world first Offshore Floating Wind Farm Project led by Prof. Ishihara as technical advisor has been successfully completed and commenced operations today, which consists of 2MW downwind-type floating wind turbine, 66kV floating power sub-station, extra-high voltage undersea cable and the dynamic cable as the first phase of the project.
A video about the Fukushima project is linked to the following.
海上に巨大風車、福島沖に世界初の浮体式風力発電 (TBSテレビ)