本専攻と仏ENPCとの共同学位プログラムにご尽力頂いているLouis Sato氏が工学系フェローに選出 Mr. Louis Sato (Organizer of the double degree program between our department and ENPC, France) was selected as a Fellow, School of Engineering
本専攻と仏ENPCとの共同学位プログラムにご尽力頂いているLouis Sato氏が2013年東京大学工学系研究科フェローに選出されました。東京大学工学系研究科フェローとは、外国の機関を主たる拠点として活躍している方で,工学分野における学術上又は教育上の功績が大であり,本研究科との交流を通して本研究科の教育又は研究に大きな功労があり,引き続き交流による支援を期待できる方に贈る称号です。Sato氏の日本の工学技術者の交際教育に対する多大な貢献を称え、工学系研究科長より称号が授与されました。
Mr. Louis Sato (The organizer of the double degree program between our department and ENPC, France) was selected as a Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
The title of “Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo” will be granted to persons who have their main base of activity at institutions abroad and who have carried out distinguished achievements in scholarship or education in the engineering field as well as meritorious service to the education or research at this school through exchanges with it and whose continued support via exchanges can be expected. Mr. Sato was honored for his significant contribution of international education for professional engineers in Japan.
See the details at the following web site:
Fellows 2014 School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo