生研新入生ガイダンス・IIS Guidance for new M1 and D1 students
(English text follows)
4月2日(金)13:00から( 14:00頃終了予定)
以下Zoom URLにて実施:
(ミーティングID: 947 6159 4515 パスコード: 186891)
建築担当:本間健太郎准教授 khomma@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
社基担当:山崎大准教授 yamadai@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Dear new graduate students who will be assigned to Dept. 5 Institute of
Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo (UT)
Welcome to the UT. Guidance of the Dept. 5 (Department of Human and
Social Systems), IIS, UT will take place at the following date and time.
Please be sure to participate.
Friday 2nd, April, 1:00pm (scheduled to end around 2:00pm)
Zoom link:
(Meeting ID: 947 6159 4515 Pass Code: 186891)
Please participate online from your house. Other guidance including
Department of Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering, and
WINGS-CFS will also take place at close hours. Those who wish to
participate, please check for information.
This email is sent to all new graduate students of Department of
Architecture and Department of Civil Engineering, but this guidance is
only for new graduate students who will be assigned to the following
laboratories in Dept. 5, IIS:
Yashiro Lab., Meguro Lab., Kawaguchi Lab., Kishi Lab., Ooka Lab., Oguchi
Lab., Koshihara Lab., Kuwano Lab., Imai Lab., Sakamoto Lab., Takeuchi
Lab., T. Kato Lab., Yoshimura Lab., Nagai Lab., Kawazoe Lab., Y. Honma
Lab., Yamazaki Lab., Numada Lab., K. Honma Lab., Mizutani Lab., Sakai
Lab., Kikumoto Lab., Matsuyama Lab., Hayashi Lab., Toya Lab., S. Suzuki Lab.
If you have a question on IIS 5th dev guidance, please email to:
[Architect] Prof Kentaro Honma khomma@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
[Civil Eng] Prof Dai Yamazaki yamadai@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp