藤野陽三名誉教授が米国土木学会Housnerメダルを受賞しました. Prof. Emeritus Yozo Fujino received the Housner medal

本専攻名誉教授の藤野陽三先生が米国土木学会の George W. Housner Structural Control and Monitoring Medalを受賞されました.Housnerメダルは社会インフラを対象にした構造制御やモニタリング,地震工学分野におけるパイオニアのGeorge W. Housner 先生の栄誉を称え2011年に創設された賞です.構造制御・モニタリング分野における顕著な学術上の貢献をした者が毎年1名選ばれます.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has awarded Prof. Emeritus Yozo Fujino with George W. Housner Structural Control and Monitoring Medal. Housner Medal was established  in 2011 in recognition of pioneering contributions of George W. Housner, who was a Professor at the California Institute of Technology, to the field of structural control and monitoring of civil infrastructure systems. The medal is awarded annually to one individual in recognition of outstanding research contributions to the broad field of structural control and health monitoring.
