加藤浩徳教授らの論文が第13回アジア交通学会(EASTS)にてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました.Professor Hironori Kato’s study was awarded the Best Paper Award of the 13th EASTS Conference.
加藤浩徳教授らの以下の論文が,2019年9月9-12日にスリランカ・コロンボにて開催された第13回アジア交通学会(EASTS)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました.この賞は,学会に投稿された420編のフルペーパー審査論文の中から特にアジアの交通問題への貢献が高く評価され授与されたものです.
Phun, V. K., Pheng, P., Masui, R., Kato, H., and Yai, T.: Impact of ride-hailing apps on traditional LAMAT services in Asian developing cities: The Phnom Penh case.
The following paper of Prof. Hironori Kato and his colleagues was awarded the Best Paper Award at the 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) held at Colombo, Sri Lanka on September 9-12 2019. This is highly evaluated in its contribution to enlightening Asia-specific topics, selected from 420 reviewed full papers submitted to the Conference.
Phun, V. K., Pheng, P., Masui, R., Kato, H., and Yai, T.: Impact of ride-hailing apps on traditional LAMAT services in Asian developing cities: The Phnom Penh case.