福島秀哉助教が山田一宇賞(公益財団法人前田記念工学振興財団)を受賞しました。“Yamada Kazuie Award” from The Maeda Engineering Foundation to Asst. Prof. Fukushima Hideya
Asst. Prof. Fukushima’s doctoral thesis “A Study on the Modern Transformation of Settlement Spaces and the Formation of Communal Territories in Yamanakako Village: Toward the Development of a Theory of Living Space Planning in Consideration of Community Features” was selected as “Doctoral thesis which is novel and creative, and considered to be useful in the future” by The Maeda Engineering Foundation. He received “Yamada Kazuie Award” on May 31, 2019.
公益財団法人 前田記念工学振興財団 前田工学賞