留学生のための新幹線サマーセミナー2018 募集要項公開 Application information for “Shinkansen Summer Seminar for International Students 2018”
Application for “Shinkansen Summer Seminar for International Students 2018” is now open.
Application information is available below and also in pdf format here: 3SIS2018Jp 3SIS2018Eng
学生のための新幹線サマーセミナー2018 募集要項
教授 家田 仁
- スケジュール
- 参加費
- 募集定員
- 応募資格
- 募集期間と応募方法
・募集期間は2018年6月28日(木)23:59 JSTまでとします。
- 参加者の審査・審査にあたっては、各主催組織メンバーからなる審査委員会を設けます。
- ・審査の視点は、新幹線に関する基礎知識、セミナー参加の動機、将来従事したい仕事とします。
- ・応募者多数が予想されるため、応募書類によって審査をさせていただき、参加者を選考します。
- 参加者の決定と連絡
- 注意事項
- 使用言語
- 連絡先
副委員長 加藤浩徳(東京大学、教授)
問合せ先e-mail: shinkansenseminar[at]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Application information for “Shinkansen Summer Seminar for International Students 2018”
The University of Tokyo (Dept. of Civil Engineering), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan Railway Technical Service, East Japan Railway Company (JR East) and Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) are jointly planning to hold a “Shinkansen Summer Seminar for International Students 2018”. This seminar aims to help students understand the purpose of the construction of the Shinkansen, how it is being utilized to promote growth in Japan, as well as the technologies and systems that support it. Through a series of lectures by top specialists and practitioners, and technical tours including the train maintenance workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of the Shinkansen system. This seminar started in 2014 and will be continuously held once in two years.
Students are invited to take advantage of this opportunity by applying for the seminar.
Chairman of Japanese High-speed Rail Seminar Committee
Hitoshi IEDA, Professor
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- Schedule
Monday, September 3rd to Wednesday September 5th (three days and two nights)
Detailed information is shown below.
- Attendance fee
– \5,000 must be paid for materials.
– Transportation cost, accommodation cost and reception party cost during the seminar will be covered by the organizers.
– Other costs (ex. transportation cost to Tokyo, meals) must be paid at the applicant’s own expense.
- Number of attendees
30 international students studying in the graduate schools of Japanese universities and 10 Japanese undergraduate/graduate students
- Eligibility
You are eligible to apply for this seminar if you are studying in any of the fields of transportation, urban and national land planning, economics and policy studies, mechanical and electronic engineering and so on, and if ALL of the following conditions are met:
– You are a student enrolled on a master’s/doctoral course in a Japanese graduate school.
– You are supervised by instructors of Japanese graduate schools.
– You must accept the conditions outlined in “8. Conditions.”
- How to apply
– Application deadline: Thursday, June 28th, 2018, 23:59 JST
– Applicants for this seminar are required to complete this application form and submit it to the e-mail address given below.
- Screening of participants
– Since it is expected that the number of applicants will exceed the capacity, participants will be selected after screening of all applicants through their applications.
– A review committee, represented by each the host organization, will conduct the screening.
– Screening criteria will focus on your background knowledge of high-speed rail, your motivation and your intended future career, evident in the application.
- Selection of participants
All the applicants will be notified of the results by e-mail no later than Friday, July 20th, 2018
- Conditions
– All students will possibly share bedrooms with another participant of the same gender.
– Because of the hot season, business casual wear is acceptable, but please dress respectfully.
– Personal safety insurance during the seminar must be purchased at applicant’s own expense.
– If you cannot attend the seminar for personal reasons, please let us know by August 5th. Cancellation after that date will not be possible.
– All participants must follow the organizer’s instructions.
- Language during the Seminar
- Contact
Japan High-speed Rail Seminar Committee
Vice-chairman Hironori KATO, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
Contact e-mail: shinkansenseminar[at]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(Hironori KATO and So MORIKAWA, The University of Tokyo)