博士課程のAbdul MoizさんがUSMCA優秀若手研究者賞を受賞 / USMCA Excellent Young Researcher Award for Abdul Moiz
2017年11月26日-28日に、仙台市で開催された「第 16回アジア地域の巨大都市における安全性向上のための新技術に関する国際シンポジウム」(USMCA2017)で、博士課程1年のAbdul Moizさん(指導教員:川崎昭如特任教授)が優秀若手研究者賞を受賞しました。この賞は、USMCAでの若手研究者による発表論文の中から、優秀論文の主著者4名に与えられました。
Mr. Abdul Moiz (1st Year Ph.D. Candidate), supervised by Proj. Prof. Akiyuki Kawasaki, was awarded the ‘Excellent Young Researcher Award’ at The 16th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA2017), held in Sendai, Japan during November 26 – 28, 2017, under the umbrella of International Disaster and Risk Conference 2017 ‘World Bosai Forum’.
The presentation by Mr. Abdul Moiz was titled “Cascaded Hydropower Scheme Operation in a Geospatial Site Selection Framework” which highlighted the development of a unique and robust decision-support system for hydropower dam site selection, considering the basin topography, hydrology and optimal operation of dams in a cascade. The use of this system overcomes the challenge of considering multi-reservoirs during the site selection process, which when further integrated with distributed hydrological models revealed more efficient dam site alternatives, with a significantly lesser impact to the environment and society.