Application information for the Special Summer Seminar for International Students: “Railway Systems and Urban Development of Mega Cities”

この度、下記の通り、東京大学大学院(社会基盤学専攻)、政策研究大学院大学並びにJR東日本、東京メトロ、東急電鉄、海外鉄道技術協力協会の共同で、留学生のための特別サマーセミナー「大都市の鉄道と地域開発」を開催いたします。特に東京を題材として、市街地がどのように都市鉄道を使いながら発展してきたのか、またそれを支えているのはどのような技術やシステムなのかについて、トップクラスの専門家や実務者等による総合的な講義に加え、メンテナンス 現場や都市開発事例の見学なども実施し、日本で学ぶ留学生を中心とする学生諸君に学んでもらおうというものです。奮ってご応募くださいますよう、お待ち申し上げております。




教授 家田 仁



1. スケジュール

2015年8月27日(木)~8月28日(金)の1泊2日、詳細は下記をご覧ください。 http://www.trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/urbanrailseminar/TentativeSchedule.pdf


2. 参加者の負担金





3. 募集定員

日本の大学の大学院で学んでいる留学生30名、日本人大学生・大学院生10名を定 員とします。


4. 応募資格

応募資格のある学生は、交通や都市・国土プロジェクトの計画や実施など総合的 工学、経済・政策系の学問、機械工学・電気工学など個別工学を専門分 野とし ている学生のうち、以下の条件を満たしている方とします。





5. 募集期間と応募方法

・募集期間は2015年6月12日(金)23:59 JSTまでとします。

・応募者はこちらの応募書類を全て記入し、下記連絡先までメールで送付してく ださい。日本人応募者は日本語を使用しても構いません。



6. 参加者の審査

・応募者多数が予想されるため、応募書類によって審査をさせていただき、参加 者を選考します。


・審査の視点は、都市鉄道や地域開発に関する基礎知識、セミナー参加の動機、 将来従事したい仕事とします。


7. 参加者の決定と連絡



8. 注意事項




・参加が不可能になった場合は7月24日までに必ず連絡してください。それ以降 のキャンセルは認めません。



9. 使用言語



10. 連絡先


委員長     家田 仁    (東京大学・政策研究大学院大学、教授)

副委員長    中井 雅彦    (JR東日本、常務取締役・鉄道事業本部副本部長)

副委員長    山村 明義    (東京メトロ、常務取締役)

副委員長    城石 文明    (東急電鉄、取締役・執行役員・鉄道事業本部長)

問合せ先e-mail: urbanrailseminar[at]trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp





The University of Tokyo (Dept. of Civil Engineering), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, JR East, Tokyo Metro, Tokyu Corporation and Japan Railway Technical Service are planning to hold a summer seminar for international students entitled “Railway Systems and Urban Development of Mega Cities.” This seminar aims to help students understand how Tokyo, as one of the world’s mega cities, has been developed in coordination with the urban railway network, as well as the technologies and systems that support the railway network. Through a series of lectures by top specialists and practitioners, and technical tours illustrating the maintenance work and urban development sites, participants will deepen their understanding of the urban railway system and the historical development of Tokyo. Students are invited to take advantage of this opportunity by applying for the seminar.


Chairman of Japanese Urban Rail Seminar Committee

Hitoshi IEDA, Professor

The University of Tokyo,

and National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)


1.  Schedule

Thursday, August 27th to Friday August 28th (two days and one night)

Detailed information is shown below.



2.  Attendance cost

– \3,000 must be paid for materials.

– Accommodation cost on August 27th, and breakfast and reception party cost on August 28th will be covered by the organizers.

– Other costs (meals and transportation) must be paid at the applicant’s own expense.


3.  Number of attendees

30 international students studying in the graduate schools of Japanese universities and 10 Japanese undergraduate/graduate students


4.  Eligibility

You are eligible to apply for this seminar if you are studying in any of the fields of transportation, urban and national land planning, economics and policy studies, mechanical and electronic engineering and so on, and if ALL of the following conditions are met:

– You are a student enrolled on a master’s/doctoral course in a Japanese graduate school.

– You are supervised by instructors of Japanese graduate schools.

– You must accept the conditions outlined in “8. Conditions.”


5.  How to apply

– Application deadline: Friday, June 12th, 2015, 23:59 JST

– Applicants for this seminar are required to complete this application form and submit it to the e-mail address given below.



6.  Screening of participants

– Since it is expected that the number of applicants will exceed the capacity, participants will be selected after screening of all applicants through their applications.

– A review committee, represented by each of the host organization, will conduct the screening.

– Screening criteria will focus on your background knowledge of high-speed rail, your motivation and your intended future career, evident in the application.


7.  Selection of participants

All the applicants will be notified of the results by e-mail no later than Monday, July 13th, 2015


8.  Conditions

– The accommodation for the night of August 27th will be provided by the organizers.

– Because of the hot season, business casual wear is acceptable, but please dress respectfully.

– Personal safety insurance during the seminar must be purchased at applicant’s own expense.

– If you cannot attend the seminar for personal reasons, please let us know by July 24th. Cancellation after that date will not be possible.

– All participants must follow the organizer’s instructions.


9.  Language during the Seminar



10.  Contact

Japanese Urban Rail Seminar Committee

Chairman    Hitoshi IEDA, Professor, the Univ. of Tokyo and GRIPS

Vice-chairman    Masahiko NAKAI, Executive Director, JR-East

Vice-chairman    Akiyoshi YAMAMURA, Senior Managing Director, Tokyo Metro

Vice-chairman    Fumiaki SHIROISHI, Director & Executive Officer, Tokyu Corporation

Contact e-mail: urbanrailseminar[at]trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

(Kiichiro HATOYAMA and Hideki YAGINUMA, the Univ. of Tokyo)