沖大幹教授が国際連合大学上級副学長に / Prof. Taikan Oki became Senior Vice-Rector of United Nations University
本専攻の沖大幹教授が2016年10月より国連大学の上級副学長を務めることとなりました。 国連大学は日本に本部がある唯一の国際機関で、 緊急性の高い地球規模課題に関する政策関連研究を行う学者・研究者の 国際的共同体として国連組織のシンクタンクであると共に、 大学院の教育、学位の授与を行っています。
Prof. Taikan Oki became Senior Vice-Rector of United Nations University since October 2016. The United Nations University (UNU) is an international community of scholars engaged in policy-relevant research on pressing global issues, specialised postgraduate training and capacity building, and the dissemination of knowledge. UNU functions as a think tank for the United Nations system. It operates as a global network of institutes and programmes, coordinated by UNU Centre in Tokyo.
Prof. Oki keeps his affiliation as a special adviser to the president and a professor at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, and continue management, education, and research.