Announcement of a Summer Program on “Sustainable Water Management in an Era of Big Data”
東京大学 大学院社会基盤学専攻「水循環データ統融合の展開学」 寄附講座および水災害・リスクマネジメント国際センター( ICHARM)では、国際サマープログラムを開催いたします。 本セミナーでは、①河川・水資源の計画と管理、水害対策、経済、 合意形成に関するわが国の専門家による講義や現場見学を通して、 水管理に関する総合的な知見を得るとともに、② 地理空間情報技術や地球規模のデータ統融合システム(DIAS) などを用いて、 水問題に対して包括的にアプローチするための分析手法の基礎を習 得する。そして、③グループワークや発表を通じて、 持続可能な水管理に対する課題発見と問題解決のための思考能力を 身につけることを目的とします。
詳細は、以下のリンクをご参照ください。 http://wci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ index.html#news
The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and the International Centre for Water and Risk Management(ICHARM) under the auspices of UNESCO, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Tsukuba, will organize an International Summer Program from 27 July through 7 August 2015.
The course, consisting of expert lectures, technical exercises, and excursions, is designed to promote problem-solving capability for water problems with interdisciplinary approach and by exploiting various data and data integration functions of the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) of Japan. Participants will work on real problems focusing on developing resilience to disasters under the climate change, preparedness for risk of unforeseen disasters and how to introduce this risk into social management and planning for safe and naturally rich environment.
ELIGIBILITY: The course is open for 20 participants, both from Japan and abroad. It is mainly intended for undergraduate students, who will be preferred for admission, but applications by graduate and post-graduate students as well as young professionals will also be accepted and considered. All applicants must have sufficient knowledge of English, which will be the course language and must be able to attend the program for the whole duration. Applications from various majors and specialties are welcome.
FEES AND LOGISTICS: The course is free of charge, accommodation and local transportation paid by the organizer, but the travel from home to venues and daily subsistence should be covered by each participant with a possibility for students from developing countries to apply for additional support.
FURTHER DETAILS: http://wci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html#news
- 期間: 2015年7月27日(月)~8月7日(金)
- 会場: 東京大学および水災害・リスクマネジメント国際センター(ICHARM)
- 受講者: 国内外の20名の学部生
- 使用言語: 英語
- 参加費: 無料(期間中の宿泊費を含む。ただし、会場までの旅費、および期間中の食費などは参加者負担)
詳細は、以下のリンクをご参照ください。 http://wci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and the International Centre for Water and Risk Management(ICHARM) under the auspices of UNESCO, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Tsukuba, will organize an International Summer Program from 27 July through 7 August 2015.
The course, consisting of expert lectures, technical exercises, and excursions, is designed to promote problem-solving capability for water problems with interdisciplinary approach and by exploiting various data and data integration functions of the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) of Japan. Participants will work on real problems focusing on developing resilience to disasters under the climate change, preparedness for risk of unforeseen disasters and how to introduce this risk into social management and planning for safe and naturally rich environment.
ELIGIBILITY: The course is open for 20 participants, both from Japan and abroad. It is mainly intended for undergraduate students, who will be preferred for admission, but applications by graduate and post-graduate students as well as young professionals will also be accepted and considered. All applicants must have sufficient knowledge of English, which will be the course language and must be able to attend the program for the whole duration. Applications from various majors and specialties are welcome.
FEES AND LOGISTICS: The course is free of charge, accommodation and local transportation paid by the organizer, but the travel from home to venues and daily subsistence should be covered by each participant with a possibility for students from developing countries to apply for additional support.
FURTHER DETAILS: http://wci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html#news