小池俊雄教授が水文・水資源学会の学術賞を受賞しました. Professor Toshio Koike was honored the Science Award by the Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources.
受賞理由は、DIAS開発プロジェクトの責任者として地球科学の深化と社会的利益の創出をリードしており、衛星による 水循環観測手法と水循環モデルの高度化、水循環のデータ同化システムの開発、データ統合によるアジアモンスーン地域の降水現象、河川流出現象などの水循環の変動性の理解と河川水資源管理の高度化の実現を通して、学術的、社会的に幾多の有用な成果を挙げたことによります。
Professor Toshio Koike was honored the Science Award by the Japan Soceiety of Hydrology and Water Resources on September 10, 2015. This award is granted for significant academic contribution in the field of hydrology and water resources through his outstanding academic works. Professor Toshio Koike is promoting an advancement in knowledge in the field of earth science and creation of socieal advantages as a leader of DIAS project, and he was awarded for his numorous useful acadmic and socieal works through an advancement of hydrological monitoring and modeling with satellite observation, development of a hydrological data assimilation system and increasing the understanding of the hydrological variation over the Asian monsoon region such as precipitation and runoff processes, and realization of integrated river management with the Data Integration and
Analysis System.