Selection Result
Result for Sep 2018 enrollment
The Short-Listed Candidates for Sep 2018 enrollment for MEXT Scholarship and SHO-BOND Corporation Scholarship Program–University Recommendation at the Department of Civil Engineering have been selected.
The list below is the candidates who have been successfully passed preliminary selection.
The candidates for ADB-JSP Scholarship will be announced on 9th February and SHIMIZU Corporation Scholarship on 23rd February.
The last four digits of your T-cens application numbers as ICVLURE18A_00000xxxx are shown below.
All current short-listed candidates will be informed individually by e-mail.
2021 |
2188 |
2215 |
2304 |
2330 |
2340 |
2516 |
2517 |
2548 |
2674 |
2723 |
2763 |
2830 |
3169 |
3424 |
3613 |
3653 |
3667 |
—End of lists—