Result for Sep 2017 enrollment
Result for Sep 2017 enrollment
The Short-Listed Candidates for Sep 2017 enrollment for MEXT Scholarship / ADB-JSP Japan Scholarship Program–University Recommendation from the Department of Civil Engineering.
The list below is the candidates who have been successfully short-listed.
The last four digits of your T-cens application numbers as ICVLURE17A._xxxxxxx are shown below.
All current short-listed candidates will be informed individually by e-mail.
The preliminary selection process has been completed.
0019 0023 0043 0052 0077 0098
0132 0168 0198 0296 0375 0410
0428 0473 0494 0526 0543 0571
0750 0784 0825 0845 0891 0893
0924 0939 0945 0988 1009 1037
1069 1042 1130 1233 1294 1336
—end of lists—