Result for September 2016 enrollment
The Short-Listed Candidates for September 2016 enrollment
MEXT Scholarship – University Recommendation/ ADB-JSP Japan Scholarship Program with a Recommendation from the Department of Civil Engineering
The list below indicates the candidates who have been successfully short-listed, according to the numerical numbers of your ID as CVLDPT160XXX.
The Civil FSO, the Foreign Student Office in the Department of Civil Engineering, gave these ID numbers at the time of application receipt.
We will inform all current short-listed candidates individually by e-mail about the details of their specific application. The selection process has been completed.
Result for 2016 September enrollment
160002 160003 160006 160032 160036
160045 160047 160052 160057 160078
160089 160100 160111 160129 160150
160241 160260 160268 160270 160286
160294 160300 160315 160328 160329
160345 160363 160369 160386 160389
160393 160402 160420 160434 160449
160461 160483 160505 160513 160523
160541 160554
—end of lists—