The group “Transportation Engineering and Planning” focuses on the matters related to transportation and urban, regional and land planning, aiming to improve public welfare through both researches and education.
Especially, the professors effort to give back the research outcomes to the society as well as to progress their own academic domain, hoping to reproduce attractive lands and urban spaces that are also strong enough against natural disasters.
Especially, the professors effort to give back the research outcomes to the society as well as to progress their own academic domain, hoping to reproduce attractive lands and urban spaces that are also strong enough against natural disasters.
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Management research is about exploring ways to achieve the common goals of organizations and/or communities. At the Management Group, we aim to produce research that will improve the management of infrastructure, public services, and institutions. Our lab is a space to think about organizational design, human resources management, knowledge management, or decision-making. On our search for appropriate infrastructure development and maintenance systems, we tear down old walls between traditional academic disciplines and train the future leaders of the infrastructure sector. In addition to the development, operation and maintenance of infrastructure facilities, we study the management of diverse elements of social systems, ranging across issues of natural resources, environment, technology, institutions, and international relations. Our work can be classified into three broad research fields:
1. Management of construction projects
2. Management in international development
3. Management and social systems
1. Management of construction projects
2. Management in international development
3. Management and social systems
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“Design and Landscape”is the only institute that fuse together with civil engineering and architecture, and structual and architectual design, which has been separated in Japan for long time.
Through the researchs and projects, this group focuses on “Landscape” to create lively city and beautiful landscape.
Through the researchs and projects, this group focuses on “Landscape” to create lively city and beautiful landscape.
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“Hydrosphere and Environment“ group’s ultimate focus is on developing better solution in the relationship between water and human society. Our research target on water and the environment has a great range
of scopes, from small as a tributary scale to large as continental and global scales.
of scopes, from small as a tributary scale to large as continental and global scales.
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- Monthly Public Seminar by Hydrosphere Group
- River Engineering and Environment Lab (REEL)
- – Human Geo-science Lab (Oki Lab, REEL)
- – Sawada Lab (REEL)
- – Kawasaki Lab (REEL/IFI)
- Coastal Engineering Lab
- Institute of Industrial Science, Global Hydrology Group
- – Yoshimura Lab (IIS/Kashiwa)
- – Yamazaki Lab (IIS/Komaba)
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- – Sasaki Lab (Frontier)
- – Matsuba Lab (Frontier)
The group “Infrastructure Technology and Design (A)“ develops theories and practical solutions on infrastructures as interface between natural environment and human society based on Geotechnical Engineering. Its activity includes solving problems on design and management of natural ground, artificial ground, geotechnical structures, underground structures, geohazards, geo-pollusions, material recycling, etc. For this purpose, knowledge skills from various discipline, such as soil mechanics, structures/fluid mechanics, geology/geomorphology, seismology/meteorology, mechanical/electrical/communication engineering, material/phisical science are employed.
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The group “Infrastructure Technology and Design (B)” is developing theories and revealing phenomena of infrastructures, and applying the outcomes to the society. The group tackles complex engineering problems based on broad and deep knowledge of structures, seismic engineering, fluid dynamics, control engineering and sensing, and develops technologies for realizing sustainable modern civilization, such as environment-friendly structures, renewable energy and maintenance and longevity of infrastructures.
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The group “Infrastructure Technology and Design C” is working on both developing theories and understanding phenomena related to cementitious materials, and applying the outcomes to society. We use a variety of approaches, including simulations, experiments, and field observations and investigations to solve problems, drawing on knowledge from a wide range of engineering fields, including structural and materials engineering, seismic engineering, fluid mechanics and chemistry, as well as the humanities and social sciences. Our research fields cover a diverse range from the elucidation and characterization of nanoscale/microscale phenomena to the development of new materials and construction methods, disaster prevention and mitigation, recycling and carbon dioxide emission reduction. We aim to develop internationally competitive and creative high-level engineers with both a bird’s-eye view and a specialized perspective.
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International Project Group is recognized for its multidisciplinary research activities; the faculty, research staff and students are widely known for their leadership in challenging new ideas and trends in the planning, design, management of international project. International Project Group is distinguished in its research and teaching.
Research in International Project Group is both empirical and theoretical, traversing many domains in the international development context. The faculty of International Project Laboratory puts an exclusive emphasis on research and education about fundamental methodology/theory and remarkable cutting-edge issues in international project. The group’s professors from other laboratories work on research and education about international issues in their specialties and the ways in which their expertise could be utilized in international project. Students in the group would thus benefit from this multidisciplinary environment and develop their ability to solve problems in international projects.
Research in International Project Group is both empirical and theoretical, traversing many domains in the international development context. The faculty of International Project Laboratory puts an exclusive emphasis on research and education about fundamental methodology/theory and remarkable cutting-edge issues in international project. The group’s professors from other laboratories work on research and education about international issues in their specialties and the ways in which their expertise could be utilized in international project. Students in the group would thus benefit from this multidisciplinary environment and develop their ability to solve problems in international projects.
The group “Spatial Information” develops various sensing technology, data management technology, and very large and precise simulation system including analytical theory and algorithm. The group also aims to create next generation intelligence infrastructure by integrating the technologies and the systems.
Through data acquisition / management / analysis, the real conditions such as land and urban conditions on computer can be described in order to utilize the technologies to solve various kinds of problems. The researches cover the wide variety of fields, such as human, society, history, environment, earthquake, physics, statistics, and so on. The researches on spatial information are regarded as interdisciplinary approach to connect civil engineering and related other fields.
Through data acquisition / management / analysis, the real conditions such as land and urban conditions on computer can be described in order to utilize the technologies to solve various kinds of problems. The researches cover the wide variety of fields, such as human, society, history, environment, earthquake, physics, statistics, and so on. The researches on spatial information are regarded as interdisciplinary approach to connect civil engineering and related other fields.
The group “Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation Engineering” focuses on soil, strutures, life-lines, disaster prevention as a social system.
The group values experiments and field works especially on disaster sites, as well as does mathmatical simulation using the result of experiment and survey.
The group values experiments and field works especially on disaster sites, as well as does mathmatical simulation using the result of experiment and survey.